‘Illusion of Proximity’
Remote team trust-building game
How might we facilitate social interactions that enable trust and teambuilding for increasing well-being and performance in globally displaced teams?
Purpose & Objectives: To create a social protocol in the organisation that can close some of the gaps virtual collaborations come with
Methodology: A social innovation game based on creating a space for informal exchanges that occur naturally in a physical working environment. Using a template game for opening and/or closing virtual meetings through a check-in and check-out exercise (Lotte Darsø, 2011). Building up trust in a team is a process of progression and change, which cannot be installed with immediate results. Making a habit of the activity as a social protocol is key for producing an outcome in the organisation.
Experiences (strengths and weaknesses): Players appreciate the pre-fixed conversation or reflection starters. The visual interactive game scenario is effective in creating a playful atmosphere that eases the pressure for the participants. The check-in exercise requires a space of 2-3 minutes for each individual to share a few words. For some companies, this might place the exercise on the higher end of the scale of time they wish to dedicate for team-building and social satisfaction among their employees.

Participants: For 2-10 participants with a team leader or game facilitator who controls and shares screen.
Download the facilitator guide HERE.