Customer first change online game
How might we train and qualify change processes related to Customer First orientation?
Purpose & Objectives: To create a social protocol in the organization that can close some of the gaps virtual collaborations come with.
Methodology: A full web-based change game through Actee software with three different modes – individual, teams or battle. Based on a multiple-choice engine and circular movement. Companies have a tendency to forget the customer in the complexity of stakeholder interest – this game seeks to move orientation back to the customer and find ways to handle dilemmas related to this. The game consists of four chapter progression with a dilemma in each chapter.
Experiences (strengths and weaknesses): The game has a strong engine related to choices, stakeholder reactions and movements. This game is less ideation and more choice, strategy and change. With too many players and without facilitation dialogue in between chapters about choices might be lost.
Participants: Can be played on large scale by a high number of players and also players can play non-synchronized in time.