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Corporate sustainability innovation game

Turn sustainability challenges at the workplace into seeds for innovation.

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Corporate sustainability dilemma game.

Raise awareness for issues of corporate sustainability.




  • Purpose & Objectives: Inform about and raise awareness for issues of corporate sustainability. Identify sustainability challenges at the workplace and generate ideas and future scenarios on how to address them.


  • Methodology: Both gamified workshop formats combine a sequence of competitive and collaborative exercises. The dilemma game is a standalone format to inform and sensitise for issues of corporate sustainability. The full CSI (corporate sustainability innovation game) encapsulates the dilemma game exercises but takes it one step further to identify and address sustainable innovation challenges of your particular organisation.


  • Feedback and experiences from previous participants: Players appreciate the creative exchange, the relevance of challenges, and the safe environment for experimentation.




Participants: 3-12 employees from any part of an  organisation, can be scaled up with additional moderators.


Game overview picture.jpg


Corporate Sustainability Innovation Game

Facilitator`s Guide

Corporate Sustainability Dilemma Game

Please contact us at h.breuer(at) or k.ivanov(at) if you are interested in obtaining and customizing an editable open format of the game.

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