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Enhancing Entrepreneurial Education: The Ecosystem Canvas Workshop

Join the Session on Enhancing Entrepreneurial Education: The Ecosystem Canvas Workshop at ISPIM Connects Valencia.

This session is centred on a research perspective for entrepreneurial education ecosystems (EEE), with the focus upon, learning, dialogical relations, and value for actors in the EEE.

Together with your fellow participant your will play the game and learn new perspective regarding your EEE and which factors are enhancing your EEE. The game is maker based crafted in Fablab and is also accessible in a paper-self-print-version from

By the end of the session, the facilitator will share insights into how the Ecosystem Canvas can be played in a different setting and how it can be supported by other games to strengthen the entrepreneurial mindset.

See the full programme here.



Project Number: 600947-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA 

Project Duration: Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2021

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